District: Harlow

Campaign launched to address abuse of parking staff 

News illustration

Today, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) is launching a pilot campaign in Harlow to address increasing violence and aggression faced by its Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs).

Titled “Beyond the Uniform”, the campaign comes in response to a sharp 175% rise in reported verbal and physical assaults on staff over the past three years. 

This past year, NEPP has seen its highest ever number of incidents, with incidents being reported almost daily and more than 100 incidents recorded since April. CEOs face diverse forms of abuse, including spitting, racial and homophobic slurs, sexual harassment, physical threats, and even being deliberately driven at. These incidents take a significant emotional, mental, and physical toll on staff. 

“Beyond the Uniform” seeks to foster respect and empathy for CEOs by highlighting their humanity. It urges the public to see beyond the uniform, recognising CEOs as individuals – parents, grandparents, and friends – who contribute positively to their communities.  

Often misunderstood, CEOs not only issue penalties for illegal parking but also ensure road safety for schoolchildren, facilitate emergency vehicle access, and maintain accessibility for disabled individuals, among other crucial responsibilities. 

For ease of understanding and to support the Positive Parking Agenda, which NEPP is a founding member of, Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are referred to as ‘Parking Officers’ in the campaign materials. 

Running until April, the campaign features digital and print marketing alongside pop-up community engagement events. These events will be held at The Hub in the Harvey Shopping Centre from 10am to 2pm, on 11 February, 22 February, and 18 March. 

Funding for the campaign was awarded jointly last year to NEPP and Brighton & Hove City Council by Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) through its Driving Improvement Awards programme. PATROL is the statutory joint committee of other 300 local authorities in England (outside London) and Wales that enforce civil parking and other traffic restrictions. NEPP and Brighton are spearheading the Beyond the Uniform campaign ahead of a planned national roll-out by PATROL to its wider authority membership later in the year. 

Councillor Paul Honeywood, Chair of the North Essex Parking Partnership, said: “Our CEOs play a vital role in keeping our roads safe, clear and accessible for everyone. The abuse they face is deeply troubling and completely unacceptable. This national pilot campaign is a vital step in protecting our staff, fostering public understanding of their invaluable role, and promoting a culture of respect.” 

Laura Padden, Director of PATROL, said: “‘The “Beyond the Uniform” campaign highlights that staff working in parking and traffic enforcement are everyday people, with families and hobbies like everyone else. Their work is challenging and is often met with an entrenched negative public perception that makes them, as individuals, the target of unjustifiable abuse on our streets. 

“The shocking incidents reported in recent years underscore just how urgent the issue of enforcement staff abuse is, and I’m proud that PATROL is backing this important initiative. By showcasing the stories of enforcement staff, we hope to inspire a shift in attitudes and ensure these essential workers, helping to keep roads safe and traffic moving, are supported not targeted.” 

Harlow Council Councillor Nicky Purse, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said: “This is an important campaign that raises awareness around the inexcusable abuse our Parking Officers experience for doing what is undoubtedly an incredibly important and challenging job which keeps our roads and pedestrians safe from irresponsible parking. 

“We hope that this campaign encourages people to reflect on their behaviour and attitude towards Parking Officers, to see the people beyond the uniform and the positive work they do to protect our town and communities.” 

Further information about the campaign, including materials, can be found on the NEPP’s website at north.parkingpartnership.org/beyondtheuniform.


Notes to Editors: 

  • Workplace violence reporting: The incidents of workplace violence reported above are based on internal reports and do not include police data. The actual number of violent and aggressive incidents experienced by staff is likely to be higher due to underreporting. 
  • Pilot location: The campaign is being piloted in Harlow, where NEPP staff experience the highest levels of abuse. 
  • Terminology: In the campaign materials, Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are referred to as ‘Parking Officers.’ 
  • Staff protection measures: NEPP is committed to safeguarding its staff through comprehensive safety training, equipment and procedures. Support services are available for employees who experience abuse, and NEPP collaborates with staff and the police to pursue successful prosecutions. A recent example is the 12-month suspended sentence given to an individual who racially attacked a CEO in Colchester. Information about how NEPP protects its frontline staff can be found on its webs


Harlow is a town located in the west of Essex and is situated on the borders between Hertfordshire and Greater London. A third of the District is made up of beautiful parklands and country walks through a medieval village and along the river Stort.

The North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) are responsible for administering and enforcing both on-street and off-street based parking across the Harlow District. The District provides a total of 14 secure public car parks and parking for more than 800 cars.

Harlow Car Parks and Tariffs

For more information on the Harlow District

Permits Available

Annual Resident Permits

  • First Permit (12 Months) – £56.00
  • Second Permit (12 Months) – £110.00

Visitor Permits

  • 10 Stays (24 Hours) – £16.00
  • 10 Stays (6 Hours) – £8.00

Carers Permits

  • 12 Months – £36.00 (Please call 01206 282316 for further information)

Traders Permits

  • 12 Months – £250.00 (Please call 01206 282316 for further information)
Blue Badge Information

Blue Badge Information

Resident or visitor permits are not required as a blue badge can be used at any time. Please see the car park tariff page for information on blue badge requirements within a car park.

The blue badge clock should be set correctly and clearly displayed on all permitted restrictions, which we highlight on our dedicated blue badge page.

The blue badge clock should be clearly displayed when there is an advertised maximum stay. Please read tariff boards and street signs for further advice. Blue badge holders can also refer to their blue badge scheme booklet.

Blue Badges are issued by Essex County Council Social Services. For any blue badge application queries, you can speak to their team on 0845 6037630 or apply online.

More Information



Take the time and hassle out of paying and extending your parking stays by using MiPermit.

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NEPP calls on motorists to continue to park safely and considerately

Hand shown using NEPP's new website.

Motorists are being encouraged to act responsibly and observe safety and critical-route parking restrictions, as wide-ranging efforts continue to help combat the spread of COVID-19.

The North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) issued the appeal in response to a series of unprecedented measures announced by the Government in recent days to help tackle the impact of the virus, which has seen normal life put on hold for the foreseeable future.

NEPP’s traffic officers are already focusing patrols on safety-critical routes and areas, while relaxing patrols in some areas to react to changing needs. The key priorities will be to manage the safe movement of traffic and ensuring safe access for emergency vehicles and other essential services such as waste and recycling lorries.

NEPP has responded to the crisis by helping to maximise parking spaces in one-hour single yellow line restrictions where commuters might usually park, by relaxing those parking restrictions to enable home-working. Motorists must obey usual rules to avoid causing an obstruction and must keep access clear, especially for emergency and waste collection vehicles.

NEPP will also be contacting all Resident Permit holders, via their online account in MiPermit or other contact details on record, regarding a temporary extension to their permits.

It is also looking at NHS permits and how more parking space can be made available. NEPP recognises the role that NHS staff are carrying out and will be honouring NHS permits where it is safe to park. More details will be provided on the NEPP website.

NEPP will continue to provide help for anyone who contacts its enquiry line but advises callers that they may experience a longer wait than usual as we move to restricted hours.

Cllr Robert Mitchell, Chairman of the North Essex Parking Partnership, said: “The current reaction to COVID-19 requires an unprecedented flexibility to parking that NEPP is proud to demonstrate. I can reassure the public that our officers are here to help, as always, but will continue to do everything they can to ensure the safe flow of traffic and responsible parking as this situation evolves.

“Most importantly, I would ask everyone to keep calm and be reasonable. There are no excuses for careless or inconsiderate parking, and we are asking all motorists to park responsibly and considerately. The number-one priority is to maintain access for essential services, for the benefit of all.

“If you are self-isolating and required to move your vehicle because it is parked illegally, then you should expect to do so if you are well enough.

“We are working together to enable parking for residents during commuter restrictions where parking patterns have temporarily changed.

“Where reports of increased verbal abuse have been received, this remains unacceptable and will be reported using evidence from body-worn cameras, as per usual. Please let our officers provide their best service.

“The bottom line is: Park up but, when you get out of your vehicle, consider carefully to see if you could have done it better or safer – and then move your vehicle if necessary!

Christmas Operational Update

Hand shown using NEPP's new website.

We are currently operating our services on a ‘business as usual’ basis, taking into account the pre-planned festive disruptions. We acknowledge that parts of Essex are currently in Tier 4 whereas others are, as things stand, in Tier 2.

Civil Enforcement Officer patrols are continuing in all NEPP districts, both on and off-street and resident permit schemes are operating as usual. Resident permits and visitor permits must therefore be used at all times, including where signage does not state ‘except bank holidays’.

Our business unit, including our customer services, are operating on a planned reduced service as is the case each year. Telephone lines will therefore only be open on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st December for customer queries before returning to normal operations on the 4th January 2021.

MiPermit will operate as normal throughout the festive period however their telephone lines will not be in operation until the 4th January. All other MiPermit services – including their app, website and SMS services – will operate in the usual way.

However in light of the tiered restrictions the Government is constantly reviewing, we will review all NEPP operations on the 4th January 2021 and provide further updates should additional operational measures need to be taken. Until this time, no further changes to our services are planned.

Parking charges suspended for key NHS workers

Hand shown using NEPP's new website.

PARKING charges have been suspended for critical health and social care workers.

Following an agreement with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) has suspended charges for key NHS workers.

The plan means NHS staff will not have to pay to park in council car parks or at the roadside whilst carrying out their frontline duties.

NEPP also plans to waive any fines received by health and social care workers while carrying out their duties over recent days.

Workers are encouraged and will be supported to appeal the fines, with supporting evidence from their employer.

Free parking will be in place until further notice.

Robert Mitchell, chair of NEPP, said: “Critical workers are doing vital and highly valued work, day and night, to support the most vulnerable in our society, save lives and keep our country running through this unprecedented crisis.

“The NEPP welcomes its role in helping key workers get to work – enabling them to park in on-street bays or council-owned car parks without having to worry about cost or time restrictions.

Click here to find out more about how NEPP responded to the Covid-19 pandemic