Here at NEPP we are passionate about climate change and are conscious that our services have an important role to play in improving air quality and the environment as a whole.
This applies to how we operate on a day-to-day basis as well as the longer-term measures we can take across the Partnership.
We are committed to ensuring that we have a positive impact on the environment and we will be highlighting some of the steps we have and will be taking in future on this page

So what are we doing?

Electric Fleet Vehicles
We’ve been working to reduce our carbon emissions, including taking our first steps to replace our petrol and diesel fleet vehicles with two 100% electric Renault Zoe cars.

EV Charging
Our Projects Team have been working with Colchester City Council, our lead authority, to introduce Electric Vehicle charging in its public, staff and fleet-only car parks and we hope that this service is one that we can offer to other authorities in future too.
We’re not stopping there though…
Stay tuned for more information on how our service is going to be working towards being a carbon neutral service!

Biodegradable PCN Wallets
We were one of the first Local Authorities to introduce biodegradable Penalty Charge Notice wallets – preventing the use of thousands of unrecyclable plastic ones annually, in the process.

Park Active
We have introduced the Park Active scheme in conjunction with Colchester City Council. This scheme helps to promote the idea of parking on the outskirts of the town and then walking or cycling the rest of the journey. The aim is to reduce congestion, improve air quality and encourage a more active lifestyle.
More Information
Joint Committee
Our Joint Committee govern the partnership ensuring that we are accountable and operate in a way that reflects the views of our partner authorities.
Annual Reports
We publish our operational and annual reports to ensure that we are transparent in our operations.
Jobs at NEPP
Find out more about vacancies we have here at NEPP. Come and join us!