We are reviewing the effectiveness of the current on-street parking restrictions in Old Ipswich Road and Turnpike Close, Ardleigh, which we manage on behalf of Essex County Council.
On 9th May 2022 we installed parking restrictions on Old Ipswich Road, Ardleigh, under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). A letter sent to residents on 5th May 2022 asked for their participation in an informal survey, to assess the impact of these changes on households and businesses in the immediate area. The feedback received has indicated a level of support for additional restrictions, which has led to the creation of an additional survey to help us to understand which type of restrictions could be introduced. These restrictions could, again, be introduced as an Experimental Order in the first instance, or as a permanent Traffic Regulation Order depending on the proposal chosen.
Details of the restrictions currently in place can be found in the box to the right.
The survey, linked here, offers three proposals;
Proposal 1 – Including Resident Permit Scheme
A resident permit scheme applicable between 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday. A map displaying the proposed restrictions can be seen below. The red pattern denotes the current red route restriction, with the blue pattern indicating a resident permit zone. These restrictions would prevent parking by non-residents during the traditional work week, whilst allowing residents the option of purchasing permits for their own vehicles and visitors should on-street parking be required. Please note that residents permits come at a cost of £68 per year for the first and £90 per year for the second, with visitor permits chargeable at £12.50 per bundle of ten 24-hour permits.
Proposal 2 – Including Single Red Lines
Single red lines operational between 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm, Monday-Friday, plus a limited waiting bay to allow for deliveries during restricted hours. A map displaying the proposed restrictions can be seen below, with single yellow lines shown in yellow. The operational hours would aim to prevent all-day non-residential parking, but would allow for residential deliveries and visits outside of those hours. The purple section denotes a limited waiting bay, which would allow residents, their visitors or deliveries a bay in which to park for a limited time (2 hours) whilst the red lines are in operation.
Proposal 3 – No Changes Required
No changes required, the current restrictions are sufficient.
What happens next?
Survey responses will be considered and, if support is shown, a proposal drawn up for additional restrictions. Any proposed Order would be subject to the appropriate funding from Essex County Council, and to a further consultation period allowing residents the opportunity to again submit their support or objections towards the proposed restrictions.
Types of Parking Restrictions
Click here to find out more about some of the most common parking restrictions that we enforce.
Parking Restrictions
Current Restrictions
To find out more about the current Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in place, please follow the link below.
Ardleigh Red Route
Turnpike Close Survey
Affected residents are invited to take part in a survey regarding restrictions in Turnpike Close; please follow the below link.
Turnpike Close Survey
More Information
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